Thursday, November 1, 2018

Skype for Business Retention in Office 365

Much as I needed to configure a retention policy for Microsoft Teams, I also needed retention for Skype for Business conversations.  

The Data Governance area at has a Retention section, but a Skype for Business policy was giving me difficulty.  

When you build a retention policy, you specify the locations to apply it to, and Skype for Business is an option.  Other policies allow you to include all users or all areas by default.  SfB is not like that.

The added challenge was when I used the GUI to attempt to choose users, it shows 100 users.  My organization contains well over 100 users.  There were no ways to navigate between screens.  And there's no way I was checking hundreds of checkboxes to pick my users!

I wound up opening a support ticket to get some guidance.  

What we need can be accomplished by PowerShell.  Once I have established a retention policy that suits my needs, a single PowerShell command can add them to the existing policy:

Set-RetentionCompliancePolicy -Identity "MyPolicy" -AddSkypeLocation

But what if I want everyone in my policy?  My basic strategy (and forgive me, as I am sure there are easier solutions, but my PowerShell skills are rudimentary at best) is as follows:

Get-MsolUser -All | where {$_.isLicensed -eq $true} | select userprincipalname | out-file AllLicensedO365Usersyyyymmdd.csv

I would then manipulate the list in a text editor (such as Notepad++).  I need to remove excess spaces.  The CSV needs to have a heading of User.  


Import-Csv AllLicensedO365Usersyyyymmdd.csv | ForEach {Set-RetentionCompliancePolicy -Identity "Keep Everything (Skype)" -AddSkypeLocation $_.User}

Voila, all my users have the policy of choice.

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