Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Dell OpenManage Server Administrator + ESX5.0i update 2 = FAIL

I'm currently working on a new VMware ESX5.0i update 2 cluster.  After the install of ESX5.0i, I set about to get OMSA on my hosts for health monitoring through OpenManage Server Essentials.

My initial efforts yielded me errors on the attempt to install.  I was getting 'Could not find a trusted signer.'  Googling this error led me here: where they recommended adding the --no-sig-check flag.

That just changed my error.  The install was then failing:
Failed to download VIB. 
      url = vmware-fdm-5.0.0-623373 
localfile = Unable to download VIB from any of the URLs
Please refer to the log file for more details.
/var/log/vmware # Unable to download VIB from any of the URLs
~sh: Unable: not found

At that point, I decided to get on the phone with Dell.

The verdict?  OMSA doesn't have a version that supports 5.0 update 2.  As this was released December 2012, and we're almost in July 2013, that was disappointing.  I have to say I've been really unhappy with the poor health monitoring on ESX5i via Dell.  I've had to implement service restarts automated on my hosts to keep the Dell software quasi-running (I still get bogus OMSE alerts that I have issues on the hosts that are not true).

Luckily for me, I have an enterprise iDRAC on the host that I can monitor over the OMSA software.  If you didn't have that, I guess you'd be out of luck.

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